10 facts you should know about your hair

We all have different hair types, textures, and colors, but many of us are not aware of the fascinating facts about our hair. Whether you have straight, curly, or wavy hair, knowing these 10 facts about your tresses can help you maintain healthy, beautiful locks. From the number of hairs on your head to the speed of hair growth, here are some interesting things that you should know about your hair.

1. Your hair is incredibly strong. In fact, a single strand of hair can hold up to 100 grams of weight. That's why hair extensions can weigh several grams and still be applied safely to your natural hair.

2. Your hair is made up of a protein called keratin. This protein is also found in your nails, hooves, and claws. Your hair structure and formation depend on the shape of the hair follicle.

3. Most people have about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on their head. However, the exact number depends on genetics, age, and health.

4. Hair growth varies from person to person. The average rate of hair growth is about half an inch per month, but some people may grow hair faster or slower. Hair growth can also be influenced by hormones, diet, stress, and medications.

5. Hair color is determined by the amount and type of melanin in your hair. Melanin is a pigment that produces color in your skin, hair, and eyes. People with more eumelanin (dark melanin) have black or dark brown hair, while people with more pheomelanin (light melanin) have red or blonde hair.

6. Your hair is easily affected by the environment. Humidity, temperature, and pollution can all affect the health and appearance of your hair.

7. Hair can stretch up to 30% of its length when wet. This is why you should be extra gentle when brushing or combing your hair after washing it.

8. Your hair can reveal a lot about your health. Dull, brittle, or thinning hair can be a sign of poor nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalances, or underlying health conditions.

9. Over-washing or using hot styling tools can damage your hair. It's important to use hair care products and tools that are appropriate for your hair type and to avoid excessive heat, chemicals, and friction.

10. Finally, your hair can change throughout your life. For example, you may notice changes in hair texture, thickness, or color as you age or during pregnancy. Hormonal changes, stress, and medical treatments can also affect the health and appearance of your hair.

Now that you know these 10 interesting facts about your hair, you can appreciate how truly unique and special your tresses are. By taking care of your hair and being aware of its needs, you can enjoy healthy, strong, and beautiful hair for years to come. At our salon, we are experts in hair care and styling and we can help you achieve the look that best suits your hair type and personal style. Contact us today to book an appointment and discover the magic of great hair.


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